Are You A Bones & Co. Dog Food Rebel?

Usually, we do a lot of talking about us, Bones & Co., and who we are.  

Today, we want to talk about who you are. 

Fine, we’ll just say it: 

You’re not like other pet parents.


You are… 

  • Willing to put your dog’s needs first and your needs second 

  • Unwilling to compromise when it comes to feeding your dog properly. You make sacrifices in order to ensure that this happens  


You see… 

  • Your dog as a member of your family who deserves metabolically-appropriate, real food in order to stay healthier, happier, and a part of your family for longer 

  • The way that food and proper nutrition impacts your dog’s body (coat, energy, overall health) in a positive way 


You choose… 

  • To do what is right for the sake of your dog: even if it’s hard, even if it’s challenging, and even if it’s expensive 

  • To be your dog’s advocate, voice and guardian, because you know that they can’t speak for themselves 


Basically, you’re the best.  

You know that feeding dogs real, fresh food isn’t a fad but a common-sense science to keep your dog playing longer, licking more, and smiling harder.  

You’ve decided to go against the status quo of kibble because you love your dog so dang much that you’ll do whatever it takes to keep them healthy.  

And because you’re the best… 

your dog can be their best. 



Your B&C Tribe Leaders

Have specific questions about your dog’s health? While B&C cannot give medical advice, we recommend seeking advice from a Holistic Veterinarian for your best furry friend (BFF). B&C is here to be a resource for you while you learn more about raw food, Keto, and dog nutrition!

Bones & Co.