How to choose the best freeze-dried dog food
Good news: a high-fat, raw diet is one way to help get your pup into an optimal metabolic state called ketosis, where they burn fat for fuel instead of inflammatory carbs. But it isn’t the ONLY option for pet parents who are looking for low-carb dog food. For daily feeding or when you need convenient food for travel, consider the benefits of freeze -dried dog food vs kibble. So, how to choose the best freeze-dried dog food for your pup?
Look for low-carb. Dogs weren’t designed to eat carbs. Biologically, canines need fat and protein in their diet. This is key for dog health because diets high in starches can lead to high blood glucose levels and insulin spikes, which can lead to obesity, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, and other chronic diseases. While carb content will vary by freeze dried dog food brand, Bones & Co. freeze-dried dog food has the same carb percentage as our frozen raw food as fed, once it is rehydrated. The carb comparison of freeze-dried food vs kibble – which can contain more than 40 percent carbohydrates – is often significantly different.
in the simplest terms:
Bones & Co. Freeze-Dried Keto Formula is the same great high-fat, low-carb dog food as our frozen raw, just in a different form.
Look for “complete and balanced”. A fat-forward, Keto approved diet still needs to provide your pup with the appropriate vitamins and minerals. Only freeze-dried dog food that follows the nutritional standards set by the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) can be labeled “complete and balanced”, which means the food contains the required nutrients in the correct ratios for a dog in the life stage the food is intended for.
Know where it comes from. In your freeze-dried dog food review process, don’t skip the questions about sourcing. The ingredients used in Bones & Co. Freeze-Dried Keto Formula are held to the same quality standards as our frozen raw:
Responsibly sourced from small, family farms
Free from antibiotics and added hormones
Cage-free poultry and grass-fed beef and lamb
Organic produce
And while more processed than raw food, freeze-dried dog food is produced through a relatively simple process. All ingredients are mixed in a grinder, then formed into pieces. These pieces are flash-frozen to preserve freshness, then slowly freeze dried. That’s it!
This is in stark contrast to mainstream kibble production, in which low-quality, high-carb ingredients go through multiple rendering and high-heat processing stages, requiring synthetic vitamins to be sprayed on at the end.
Ok, so you’ve chosen the best freeze-dried dog food. Now what?
Always rehydrate! Because the freeze drying process removes a significant amount of moisture from your pup’s bowl, it’s important that you rehydrate the food when serving. Our own pups love our raw goat milk and our Keto-friendly bone broth!
Rotate your proteins. Every dog is different (and some are certainly picky eaters!), but rotating among beef, chicken, and turkey freeze-dried dog food can add variety to your dog’s diet. Of course, just like with frozen raw diets, if your pup picks a favorite, stick with what works best for them.
Don’t make it all or nothing. Not ready to go all-in on freeze-dried? That’s ok! Even topping kibble with high-fat, low-carb freeze-dried dog food can support your dog’s well-being. And we have it on good authority (from our own fur babies) that freeze-dried nuggets make an excellent treat for training!
Ask your local retailer for Bones & Co. We’re a small, family-owned business committed to independent pet stores – and that’s the only place you’ll find us! Ask your local pet store owner for Bones & Co. Freeze-Dried Keto Formula.