KICKIN' CHICKEN 2:1 (Fat:Protein) recipe
18 lb box, 8 oz patties
cage-free chicken keto raw dog food
Bones & Co. Kickin’ Chicken 2:1 fat-to-protein ratio therapeutic recipe has even more healthy fats to promote ketosis, a natural metabolic state in dogs. We doubled the healthy fats in our original 1:1 fat-to-protein ratio recipe to create our innovative 2:1 (fat-to-protein) formula for dogs with higher fat needs. Cage-free, human-grade chicken raised without antibiotics or added hormones.
Chicken, Chicken Skin, Chicken Heart, Chicken Liver, Chicken Gizzard, Ground Chicken Bone, Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Spinach, Organic Broccoli, Organic Squash, Organic Pumpkin Seed, Organic Flax Seed, Organic Dried Kelp, Fish Oil, Organic Alfalfa, Cod Liver Oil, Organic Parsley, Vitamin E Supplement.
Crude Protein (min): 11%
Crude Fat (min): 22%
Crude Fiber (max): 2%
Moisture (max): 63%
2367 kcal/kg; 537 kcal per patty
Feeding Directions
Adult dogs should be fed 1.25-1.75% of ideal bodyweight daily.