Is Raw Ketogenic Food Right For My Dog's Breed?

Story takeaways: 

  • Dogs are phenotypically (on the outside) unique but genetically 99.9% similar to wolves. 

  • Big Pet Food likes to market breed-specific kibble to promote proper nutrition in dogs, yet the kibble is almost always high in carbs (when dogs biologically don't need carbs). 

  • Regardless of breed, age, or size, feeding dogs species-appropriate, fresh food is SO important for their health. 

  • Raw, Ketogenic dog diets are optimal as they mimic what a dog would eat in nature and are linked to reducing risks for many metabolic diseases. 

Big dogs, little dogs.  

Dogs with brown fur, white fur, spotted fur, and everything in between. 

Phenotypically (on the outside), dogs are amazingly unique. Every dog's personality, level of playfulness, and preferences are different which is pretty darn awesome.   

Genetically, however, dogs are 99.9% similar to wolves and require very similar nutritional sustenance across the board: from a huge Burnese Mountain Dog to a tiny Bichon Frise.  

This raises the questions:  

  • Is there an optimal diet for all breeds of dogs given their genetic similarities?  

  • Is dog nutrition based more on how a dog looks/acts or what a dog biologically requires? 



Every dog is unrepeatable: both literally (phenotypically) and emotionally (in our hearts + homes).  

To cater to our feelings about our dog's uniqueness, big pet food companies have created "breed-specific" kibble. Supposedly, certain kibbles are optimized to promote well-being in specific kinds of dogs based on the formula + nutrients.  

The problem is: we can't seem to find a kibble that we believe actually meets dogs' needs (even if it is breed-specific!). Regardless of formulation, kibble across the board tends to contain biologically unnecessary carbs and low-quality protein, which is not ideal for dogs.  

Check this claim: analyze YOUR dog's kibble with our carb calculator.  

Buying breed-specific, high-carb kibble to optimize canine health is like trying to fix a sprained ankle by buying new shoes: it may look good, but really, it's not doing much to help the situation. 

Dr. Becker from Healthy Pets puts it best, 

"Dry pet food with little or no high quality animal protein, minimal moisture, but plenty of grains, carbs, allergenic ingredients, non-nutritional fillers, additives and preservatives is not species-appropriate nutrition for any dog, regardless of breed.

Strange as it may seem when comparing a Great Dane to a Maltese, dogs of every size and breed are pretty much identical when it comes to their genetic heritage. They are all canine -- Canis lupus familiaris.


Certainly size, energy output and health problems are a consideration when determining any animal's nutritional requirements, but a dog is still a dog – a carnivorous canine [emphasis added]." (source)

At the core, species-inappropriate kibble is a sub-optimal source of nutrition for dogs, regardless of breed.  

Compared with fresh, raw Ketogenic diets that are a biologically optimal source of nutrition for dogs, kibble just doesn't match up nutritionally.  



The short answer: we believe absolutely, YES! 

We approach dog nutrition from the perspective that we should be giving dogs food that 

  1. Contains what they biologically require and

  2. puts them in an ideal metabolic state for optimal longevity + health.

So, what do dogs nutritionally require? 

As canines, our belief is that dogs metabolically thrive on high-fat, protein-rich diets. As established by AAFCO, this is true regardless of breed, size, or any other phenotypical (outside) differences. 

Our food is specifically Keto formulated (1:1 balance of healthy fats: high-quality proteins + nutrients) to not only give dogs what they basically require, but what we believe they optimally need to be able to live longer, healthier lives.  

To understand more about the benefits of Ketogenic food, read more about it here.


KETOgenic food is for young and old dogs

Young dogs can benefit from eating a raw, Ketogenic diet as their bodies won't have to work overtime processing biologically-inappropriate carbs found in kibble.

This lack of metabolic stress can lead to decreased risk for cancer, diabetes, and other metabolically-based illnesses.  

Aging dogs can benefit from eating a raw, Ketogenic diet for many of the same reasons that young dogs can.   

Keto Pet Sanctuary has even had success using a strictly-monitored, aggressive Ketogenic diet to help slow and stop cancer progression in dogs. 

In the future, it's plausible that a Ketogenic diet may be used more-and-more as the key to unlocking many, many nutritional doors for our dogs to help them age, better. 

The point: regardless of a dog's breed, age, or size, feeding them species-appropriate, fresh food (i.e. giving them proper nutrition) best sets them up to be healthy overall.

Because of this, we strongly believe that dogs can lead healthier, better lives when on a metabolically-optimized Ketogenic diet! 

P.S. Don't take our word for it: check out this resource center with scientific studies about the disease-fighting health benefits of a high-fat, adequate-protein Ketogenic diet. 



LEARN MORE ABOUT KETO by joining our community of pet parent & raw feeders who are determined to make informed decisions about what's in their dog's bowl. 

As always, kudos to you for having your dog's back (and tail) by educating yourself about issues surrounding dog nutrition + health.  

We're here to help you learn more about dog nutrition and live a better, healthier life with your pup! 

Dog first & dog always, 

Your B&C Tribe

Have specific questions about your dog’s health? While B&C cannot give medical advice, we recommend seeking advice from a Holistic Veterinarian for your best furry friend (BFF). B&C is here to be a resource for you while you learn more about raw food, Keto, and dog nutrition!

Bones & Co.